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brandon's autopsy
Proof our CACO was told Brandon was taken to a hospital after the incident - Brandon was never taken anywhere - he laid on the flight line for over 7 hours
e-casualty report
redacted Command climate survey statements
2017 HSC-28 Command Climate Surveys
2018 HSC-28 Command Climate Surveys
Our Appeal
Our Supplemental to our Appeal
Dept. of Navy Response to Appeal
all notes pertaining to po3 brandon caserta
dept. Of Navy response to my request for all notes
435 pages of 619 of notes - where is the other 184 pages?
All Notes & Emails
from NCIS
Letter for the FOIA requested from DOD IG
ALL Navy and DoD IG investigations that have been done in the case of PO3 Brandon Caserta
mission & functions of NCIS
Certificates Brandon Earned while attached to HSC-28
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